This little fellow was found “ down the hill” in Kangaroo Valley with the radius in both wings broken.
Reported in to Wildlife Rescue South Coast, my licensing body, he was rescued straight away by Kerstin Schweth and taken to the Southern Highlands Veterinary Centre where Dr Chris Watson did x rays and confirmed the breaks.
Conservative treatment of rest and minimal movement was chosen as both breaks were “nice”, away from the joints and the resulting callous on each wing was not going to impact on the ulna.
He has done very nicely and Dr Lorenzo at Camden re x rayed and confirmed all is well.
He is now in an IC aviary, wings are symmetrical and extend beautifully. Next step is flying in a lager aviary in another week.... then back home down the hill when he builds up fitness.
This image was taken when he was on pain meds and I had to gently catch and hold him to administer his drugs, fluids and food over the first few days until he was self feeding.