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Knock me down with a wedgie feather!

Late 2017, I became a very proud Churchill Fellow.

The late and truly amazing Dr Peter Spitzer, himself a Churchill Fellow, had encouraged me for years to apply for the Fellowship. Every year or every time I’d visit him he’d say “Peg ! Fellowship applications have opened, what are you doing about it this year !?”


It deeply saddens me that I left it too late for us to enjoy the moment together when I received the good news. During my acceptance speech at the regal function at Parliament House, I was happy to be able to take a moment to acknowledge and recognise Peter’s support and friendship.


My fellowship has allowed me to travel abroad with my project aim to advance and exchange our knowledge of Australian Raptor rehabilitation and release techniques.


I am very aware of the honour bestowed on me and the responsibility that I have been given. You can read and download my Fellowship report here. My goal is to work with OEH using my knowledge from the best centres overseas and incorporating that knowledge and experience into our standards and training.


Peggy McDonald

Dr Peter Spitzer

Dr Peter Spitzer was a physician, educator, researcher, innovator, performer, and co-founder and medical director of the Humour Foundation and the Australian Clown Doctor program. The "art of medicine" was to become the guiding philosophy for the rest of Peter’s life as he sought a holistic approach to caring and healing.

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